To enrich awareness of
society and policymakers in Latvia about global interconnection, challenges and
initiatives to solve them both globally and locally we have started to publish
electronic information bulletin Development Cooperation News (DCN).
DCN is published
electronically twice a year and features current development cooperation topics
from the perspective of practitioners, opinion leaders and policy-makers.
The 2nd issue
is Glocal climate change. It gives a chance to remind us and our readers about 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 21 organized on November 30 – December 12. This global and local news is
published in the section EVENTS that jointly with other sections: POSITIONS,
EXPERIENCE, OPINIONS, and RESOURCES shapes the structure of DCN.
This 2nd issue
is looking for answers on the following questions: Can we continue to ignore climate change in global context? What is climate
change policy in our country? How can we be involved in reduction of climate
change in local level? And what does local participation gives to reduction of
global climate change?
Read and download
the bulletin Development Cooperation News here.
The next – 3rd
issue of Development Cooperation News will be about Sustainable Development Goals.
Joint Study Trip to Nigeria

These two trips have been successful. As
a result they also brought several articles already
published in the media:
1. Landorfs, Dāvis, (2015).Vides piesārņojums Nigērijā: Kurš atbildīgs par naftu Nigērijas upēs un pārtikā? [Environment pollution in Nigeria: Who is responsible about oil in Nigeria’s rivers and food?]. Bulletin Development Cooperation News: Glocal Climate Changes. 2(1), pp.16-19.
2. Leiburga, Agnese, (Oct.29., 2015). Eiropas lielpilsēta Kijeva. [European metropolis Kiev]. Zemgales Ziņas [regional newspaper Zemgale News], http://zz.diena.lv/laikraksta-arhivs/eiropas-lielpilseta-kijeva-206281
3. Leiburga, Agnese, (Oct.27., 2015). Pēc vīzas uz vēlēšanu pārņemto Kijevu. [To elections overwhelmed Kiev to get visa]. Zemgales Ziņas [regional newspaper Zemgale News], http://zz.diena.lv/laikraksta-arhivs/pec-vizas-uz-velesanu-parnemto-kijevu-206166
Other articles are in the process.
Making Documentaries
for Airing
Green Liberty has a film crew from Woodpecker Pictures in the field to cover
development cooperation issues. This crew is represented by Kārlis Lesiņš and Artis
Dobrovolskis who have participated in Intensive Course on Development for
Journalists on
April 22-24 in Helsinki.
Two field trips are going to be
organized. The first - to Rwanda is finished. The second - to Thailand is going
to be around the end of 2015 - the beginning of 2016. Both documentaries will
be about the complex interrelation of
two species - animals and humans in the present time of globalization. Each
of them will provide a case of the impact of humans on animals’ life: (1)
squeezing gorillas out of their territory and infecting them with human
illnesses due to shortage of land caused by climate change, and (2) changes in elephants’ life space due to human overpopulation
and exploiting wild elephants in earning money in big cities
of Thailand.
Photo & Article Competition

The jury consisted of two experts: Alnis Stakle - nationally and internationally recognized photo artist, a lecturer and a director of undergraduate study program Photography at Riga Stradins University (RSU), and Inese Vaivare – a director of Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS).
The exhibition was opened and the
winners officially announced at EYD2015 final event Thought.
Action. World’s Development in Riga, Kalciema Kvartals on December 4.
Public Awareness Campaign
and Events
Public campaign on the European Year of
Development consisted of 6 interrelated events. Main
themes of the campaign were:
- sustainable development goals,
- glocalization,
- sustainable consumerism.
Interactive discussions Global Aims for Global
discussions were organized on September
23-25 in Daugavpils and on October 9 in Dricani Municipality and Dricani
Secondary School.
It aimed to interact with public in several
- Setting priorities for global development,
- Acting out strategies for reaching Sustainable Development Goals,
- Reading the newspaper “World Becomes Better”,
- Discussing: Would we be the first generation to end extreme poverty, the generation most determined to fight injustice and inequalities, and the generation that saves the planet from climate change? And how could Sustainable Development Goals be used for that?
discussions were organized in
intersection with two other events – Worlds Best News Day and Daugavpils 10th
Science Festival.
Story day of DEAR and other global education
projects’ story day was organized on November
12 in Riga. It aimed to create the space where DEAR project implementers
interact with policy makers, educators and general public.
The first
part of the DEAR projects’ story day was introduction to 10 global education
projects that represented mainly DEAR framework. This part was simultaneously illustrated
in one integrated visual image by an artist Vivianna Maria Stanislavska that helped
participants to see the connection between projects, their target groups and
expected results.
The second part was a focus group
discussion by 10 representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of Latvia, National
Centre for Education of the Republic of Latvia, Latvian
Platform for Development Cooperation (LAPAS), municipalities, NGOs that
implement DEAR projects, educators, students, grassroots leaders, etc.
projects’ story day was organized in
intersection with Global Education Week 2015.
Local Roundtable for Engagement of
Policy Makers

This event was rich in
several interrelated activities: key-note presentation, focus group
discussions, film screening, exhibition opening and discussions. The success of
this event was participation of different other stakeholders including grassroots
activists among local level policy makers that is still a rare form of public
events in Latvia, especially outside of the capital Riga.
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