Bulletin – Somalia
In September, People in Need published the third issue of the bulletin Rozvojovka. Just recently, Czech journalist Lenka Klicperová visited Somalia and she wrote
a main story for Rozvojovka about the current situation in Somalia - a country,
which is still largely paralysed by al-Shabaab’s militias and by great poverty.
We also interviewed Arthur F. Sniegoň, who moved from Czech city Třinec to
Africa so that he could help to save elephants in Chad. Readers could also read
about Czech-Ethiopian relations. Already in the 1980s, Czechoslovakia helped to
build the electric power station, breweries or water wells. Ethiopian students
went to Czechoslovakia to study university of life sciences or archaeology.
Bulletins are sent to relevant decision makers, i.e. members of Czech
national Parliament and Czech representatives in European Parliament, Ministries'
officials and key development experts, scholars and NGO representatives.
Media Supplement "Czech Republic helps" in Deník
On the 26th of September, People in Need published a media supplement "Czech Republic helps" in Deník, the biggest regional and the second most read newspaper in Czech republic. The supplement was published, when People in Need celebrated its 25th anniversary. It was twenty-five years ago, when a group of war journalists and volunteers came together and decided to provide help in crisis situations. This group of enthusiasts grew into an organization that has 1,800 employees working in 32 countries with a budget of 1.7 billion Czech crowns (64 million Euros). In the course of its existence, the organisation has operated in 54 countries and helped more than 18 million people.In development aid provided in 20 countries, the focus today is primarily on transferring know-how and supporting the most vulnerable people, who are learning to face up to adverse natural and social conditions and developing their ability to help themselves. The supplement was dedicated to the development activities of People in Need from Afghanistan, Angola to Philippines.
In October, journalist Simona Fendrychová from Aktuálně.cz travelled to Cambodia. In Cambodia, she visited health and livelihoods development projects of People in Need. How we fight dangerous superstitions, which harms mothers and children? Or how are local communities being trained to be better prepared for floods? The readers could find the answers in Simona's articles.
Journalists from Aktuálně.cz in Ukraine and Cambodia
In September, journalist Ondřej Soukup from Aktuálně.cz went to Ukraine, where he visited People in Need's development projects. He wrote about the current situation in eastern Ukraine and how people are struggling to live at the front line.- Ukrainian coking plan on the front line, where people are dying and the ecological catastrophe is threatening (12/9/2017) https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/zahranici/avdijivka/r~c39492f4979a11e7aec7002590604f2e/?_ga=2.35117865.985203476.1505467029-1961223037.1499068703&redirected=1511879678
- The biggest European coke plant between Ukrainian army and pro-Russian separatists. If damaged, the ecological catastrophe threatens (12/9/2017) https://archiv.ihned.cz/c1-65876870-nejvetsi-evropska-koksarna-preziva-na-frontove-linii
- The biggest European coke plant between Ukrainian army and pro-Russian separatists (11/9/2017) Hospodářské noviny. Print newspaper
- "VIDEO: The war front line separates Ukrainian village. Children at school got already used to the situation (10/10/2017) https://video.aktualne.cz/ze-sveta/valecna-fronta-deli-ukrajinskou-vesnici-deti-ve-skole-si-uz/r~02cdbffeacdb11e780320025900fea04/ "
- Russia by Ondřej Soukup: A weird war in Donbas (18/10/2017) http://archiv.ihned.cz/c1-65919400-rusko-ondreje-soukupa-divna-valka-na-donbasu

- Poisoned mothers and burnt children children. Czechs fight against dangerous superstitions with mobile phones. (2/11/2017) https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/zahranici/ryze-je-vsechno-co-potrebujes-proti-poveram-a-mytum-kambodza/r~5774d81eb7fb11e78dfa0025900fea04/?redirected=1509612965
- Devastating floods and mass deforestation. Cambodians fight with climate change, Czechs help them (14/11/2017) https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/zahranici/kambodza-klimaticke-zmeny/r~ace09150c54b11e78337ac1f6b220ee8/
- "Inside North-Korean restaurant: Bizarre music plays during dinner, the earnings go to Kim's nuclear program (22/10/2017) https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/zahranici/uvnitr-severokorejske-restaurace-hoste-prispivaji-kimovi-na/r~958243b8acfb11e79603002590604f2e/"
- "VIDEO: In Cambodia, people are cooking on manure. We visited local biogas station. (14/11/2017) https://video.aktualne.cz/ze-sveta/v-kambodzi-se-vari-na-plyn-z-hnoje/r~b2d87e3ac56711e794dbac1f6b220ee8/"
- "Cambodians have several types of smiles, says Jan Cina. In Asia, he visited places, where Czechs are helping (18/11/2017) https://magazin.aktualne.cz/cestovani/kambodzane-maji-nekolik-druhu-smichu-rika-jan-cina-v-asii-na/r~616fb500cab111e7aabeac1f6b220ee8/?redirected=1511182213"
Czech TV in Moldova and Angola
In November, Linda Bartošová from Czech Tv spend a week in Moldova with People in Need. Moldova is known as the poorest country in Europe. The journalist interviewed young people about their prospects and where they see their country in the future
- Moldova - country on the crossroad (31/10/2017) http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/10316155327-horizont-ct24/217411058051031/
- To Moscow or to the EU? Moldova is still between West and East (1/11/2017) http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/svet/2290186-do-moskvy-nebo-eu-moldavsko-stale-balancuje-mezi-zapadem-a-vychodem
Dana Zlatohlávková, reporter from Czech Tv, went to the last journalist trip organised by People in Need. She visited Angola - country, which went through a historical political change this year. President Dos Santos stepped down after 38 years in power. How is the political transition going on? How is Angola responding to the influx of refugees from neighbouring DR Congo? The Czech viewers could find the answers in her stories.
- Detention centre for African refugees (25/11/2017) http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/1097181328-udalosti/217411000101125/video/584120
- Prospects for change in Angola (24/11/2017) http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/10316155327-horizont-ct24/217411058051124/video/584049
Czech Radio
in Mongolia, Myanmar and Ethiopia
'Three in the world' is the name of Czech Radio audio-documentary series. Jiří Slavičínský in Mongolia, Brit Jensen in Myanmar and Ivan Studený in Ethiopia spend a week with local families. Each one shot an audio documentary on different topic. In Mongolia, Jiří focused on the preparation for dzud, Brit covered the issue of child abuse in Myanmar and Ivan experienced how is it like to live with a scarce water in Ethiopia. An hour long documentaries will be broadcast in December and in the beginning of 2018 on all Czech Radio's stations.
Media analysis: Media coverage of developing countries and Czech development cooperation in 2015 and 2016
In November, PIN published a media analysis written by Sandra Štefaniková from Charles University in Prague. The analysis focused on media coverage of developing countries and development cooperation in Czech media between 2015 and 2016 and the comparison with the media analysis of 2013 and 2014 (link here). The results show that Czech media cover the topic mostly in the daily news - so called hard news. The news accounted for 76% of the analysed data. The analysed topic was mostly to be found in the online media, less in the print media and minimally in radio or television. In comparison to the previous years, the increase of online media coverage is significant.
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