The second
issue of the bulletin Rozvojvova spolupraca (Development cooperation)
2016/2 called New World 2030 introduces the vision of
Slovakia on how to achieve a fairer world, brings results of survey among Slovak
youth who do not believe in the better future and the better state of the world
in 2030, says about sustainable development from the perspective of
municipalities, summarises current activities of the Platform members focusing
on development aid at home and abroad. It was already delivered to 167 mail addresses of journalists, libraries, academics and members of parliament. The Slovak public will have opportunity to read it soon while travelling by fast trains.
We have
published range of articles in newspapers dealing with various development
issues such as development journalism, tax evasion, TTIP and other. Here is the
list of some of them:
O daňových podvodoch a terorizme si vo Fínsku čítajú v novinách aj deti (In Finland even kids can read about tax evasion or terrorism issues) - interview with editor of specialised supplement of the largest Finish newspaper, taken by young journalist Diana Burgerová, participant of training organised by VIKES in April in Helsinki. Available here - http://hnonline.sk/svet/658205-o-danovych-podvodoch-a-terorizme-si-vo-finsku-citaju-v-novinach-aj-deti
Nedostatok demokracie a vplyv korporácií: Mínusy TTIP (Democratic deficit and influence of corporations - negatives of TTIP) - think-piece by Peter Ivanič, media coordinator of project Media4Development analysing weaknesses of currently being negotiated trade agreement between the EU and USA. Available here http://komentare.sme.sk/c/20160015/nedostatok-demokracie-a-vplyv-korporacii-minusy-ttip.html
Potápajúce sa mestá aj extrémne suchá. Svetom sa pohli klimatickí utečenci (Sinking cities and extreme droughts. Climate refugees are moving around the world). Article by Zuzana Daubnerová and Peter Ivanič using example of Pakistan and its climate change problems to exemplify possible social influence of climate change in other countries. Available here - http://hnonline.sk/svet/595365-klimaticka-zmena-moze-byt-vacsou-hrozbou-nez-terorizmus-alebo-spojenou-nadobou
Fotí etiópskych skejtbordistov: Addis Abeba mi pripomína berlínsku scénu 80. rokov (He is making photos of Ethiopian skateboarders - "Addis Abeba reminds me of Berlin scene in 80s") - interview with German photographer Daniel Reiter who spent time in Addis Abeba to make pictures of flourishing local skateboard community. Available here - http://hnonline.sk/svet/595246-foti-kenskych-skejtbordistov-addis-abeba-mi-pripomina-berlinsku-scenu-80-rokov
Viac pesticídov a éčok v potravinách. Čo chcú Američania doviezť na európsky trh (More pesticides and preservatives in food. What do Americans want to import to the EU) - analytical article adapted from The Guardian dealing with TTIP, translated and adapted by Peter Ivanič. Available here http://hnonline.sk/ekonomika/656088-pochybnosti-o-dohode-o-volnom-obchode-opat-narastli
Predávajú produkty obrích firiem. A platia vyššie dane než giganti (They sell products of large corporations. And pay higher taxes than giants). Article on tax evasion practices written by Zuzana Daubnerová and Peter Ivanič. Available here - http://hnonline.sk/ekonomika/616858-predavaju-produkty-obrich-firiem-a-platia-vyssie-dane-nez-giganti
O daňových podvodoch a terorizme si vo Fínsku čítajú v novinách aj deti (In Finland even kids can read about tax evasion or terrorism issues) - interview with editor of specialised supplement of the largest Finish newspaper, taken by young journalist Diana Burgerová, participant of training organised by VIKES in April in Helsinki. Available here - http://hnonline.sk/svet/658205-o-danovych-podvodoch-a-terorizme-si-vo-finsku-citaju-v-novinach-aj-deti
Nedostatok demokracie a vplyv korporácií: Mínusy TTIP (Democratic deficit and influence of corporations - negatives of TTIP) - think-piece by Peter Ivanič, media coordinator of project Media4Development analysing weaknesses of currently being negotiated trade agreement between the EU and USA. Available here http://komentare.sme.sk/c/20160015/nedostatok-demokracie-a-vplyv-korporacii-minusy-ttip.html
Potápajúce sa mestá aj extrémne suchá. Svetom sa pohli klimatickí utečenci (Sinking cities and extreme droughts. Climate refugees are moving around the world). Article by Zuzana Daubnerová and Peter Ivanič using example of Pakistan and its climate change problems to exemplify possible social influence of climate change in other countries. Available here - http://hnonline.sk/svet/595365-klimaticka-zmena-moze-byt-vacsou-hrozbou-nez-terorizmus-alebo-spojenou-nadobou
Fotí etiópskych skejtbordistov: Addis Abeba mi pripomína berlínsku scénu 80. rokov (He is making photos of Ethiopian skateboarders - "Addis Abeba reminds me of Berlin scene in 80s") - interview with German photographer Daniel Reiter who spent time in Addis Abeba to make pictures of flourishing local skateboard community. Available here - http://hnonline.sk/svet/595246-foti-kenskych-skejtbordistov-addis-abeba-mi-pripomina-berlinsku-scenu-80-rokov
Viac pesticídov a éčok v potravinách. Čo chcú Američania doviezť na európsky trh (More pesticides and preservatives in food. What do Americans want to import to the EU) - analytical article adapted from The Guardian dealing with TTIP, translated and adapted by Peter Ivanič. Available here http://hnonline.sk/ekonomika/656088-pochybnosti-o-dohode-o-volnom-obchode-opat-narastli
Predávajú produkty obrích firiem. A platia vyššie dane než giganti (They sell products of large corporations. And pay higher taxes than giants). Article on tax evasion practices written by Zuzana Daubnerová and Peter Ivanič. Available here - http://hnonline.sk/ekonomika/616858-predavaju-produkty-obrich-firiem-a-platia-vyssie-dane-nez-giganti
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