Fairtrade Friendly
Since 2013 Green Liberty
is actively involved in awareness raising about Fair Trade movement. The last
six months of M4D were dedicated to refreshing our activities connected to Fair
Trade Friendly recognition, organizing an outdoor campaign in Riga about Fair
Trade and Fair Trade Friendly recognition, organizing an international meeting
of representatives of Baltic region CSOs that deal with Fair Trade issues in their
countries, organizing the official opening of the Fair Trade Friendly
recognition, and planning national level cooperation with the Foundation for Environmental Education
(FEE) to connect individual
initiatives for youth – Fair Trade Ambassador – to its Young Reporters for
the Environment program that empowers young people to take a
stand on environmental issues and gives them a platform to articulate their
observations through the media of writing, photography or video.
The label “We choose Fair Trade” gives recognition and support for Fair Trade
friendly organizations, companies, institutions, communities or groups of
people. The goal of refreshing Fair Trade Friendly recognition process and
criteria is to be rather ambitions – we strive to
create common Baltic area of Fair Trade Friendly recognition.
To do it we have agreed with our EST colleagues from Mondo to use their logo
with Latvian translation. The logo has already been used to award the Estonian Fair Trade friendly
organizations, producers, supermarkets, stores and schools since 2014.
According to the current revisions Green
Liberty provides the label “We choose Fair Trade” in six categories: (1) cafes,
restaurants and hotels, (2) shops, including booths, confectionery and drinks
vending machines and online shops, (3) business and shared offices,
communities, (4) producers of goods, (5) educational institutions, (6)
individual initiatives for youth: Fair Trade Ambassador. For each category, we have set the minimum
requirements and additional recommendations for employee and customer awareness
To apply for the label “We choose Fair Trade”, a representative of
an organization, a
company, an institution, a community or a group of people should fill out an
application that will be available in Green
Liberty webpage since mid-January 2018.
Info about the label in Latvian is
available here: http://www.zalabriviba.lv/jaunumi/kustibas-mes-izvelamies-godigo-tirdzniecibu-kriteriji/
Outdoor Campaign
outdoor campaign to raise society’s awareness about Fair Trade is organized in
two sections. In the first section banners were displayed in Riga: in outdoor
advertising stands from September 11 to September 24, 2017 and in several
shopping centres from September 8 to October 1, 2017. The second section is
going on from November 22, 2017, and is located not only in Riga but also in
several other biggest towns.
Outdoor banners invite everyone
to think about the beginning of the supply chain of our favourite global
products that we use every day – coffee, chocolate, bananas, to purchase Fair
Trade products, and to engage in the movement of Fair Trade friends.
The banners are developed
in cooperation with the agency "Armadillo". Campaign posters in bus
or tram stops and shopping centers are hosted in partnership with JCDecaux and
Clear Channel, see here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1q1yyxip9zg59g/IMG_2914.MOV?dl=0
Info about outdoor
campaign in Latvian is available here: http://www.zalabriviba.lv/par-godigu-tirdzniecibu/zala-briviba-aicina-iesaistities-godigas-tirdzniecibas-kustiba/
Baltic meeting of Fair Trade promoters
On November 27, 2017 we invited our colleagues who deal
with Fair Trade issues and organize Fair Trade Friendly recognitions in other
Baltic countries to come to an informal meeting. The aim pf the meeting was
strengthen joint Baltic Fair Trade Friendly space: to share national success
stories, to learn form colleagues, and to plan further cooperation. Seven participants: Jaanus Välja
representing Mondo from Estonia, Tomas Kurapkaitis and Milda Lukoseviciute representing Litdea from
Lithuania, Andrzej Żwawa representing Fairtrade
Polska from Poland, Valters Kinna,
Sanita Rībena and
Inga Belousa representing Green Liberty from Latvia took place in this
Opening of the Fair Trade Friendly recognition
After the informal Baltic meeting of Fair Trade promoters, we organized
the official opening
event Why to choose Fair Trade products?
of the campaign “We choose Fair Trade” in Birojnica, Dzirnavu street 84 k-2,
Riga. We organized this event to meet Fair Trade friendly
organizations, enterprises, institutions, schools and non-formal groups from
Latvia who provide and use Fair Trade products in their daily life and to
encourage them to apply for the labelling “We choose Fair Trade”. For all 20
participants it was a great success to meet Fair Trade Friendly promoters from
other Baltic countries.
In the opening event
of the campaign “We choose Fair Trade” we heard and shared four stories of
different Fair Trade stakeholders:
- To buy or not to buy cheap products produced in developing countries? – shared by a Teacher Naw Kham from Myanmar
- What is the production of fair and unfair products in developing countries? – shared by Lāsma Ozola, a Latvian journalist who has traveled to banana plantations in Costa Rica
- How to recognize a Fair Trade friendly company? – shared by representatives of Fair Trade passionate CSOs: Jaanus Välja, ex-MONDO, EST; Andrzej Żwawa, Fairtrade Polska, PT; Tomas Kurapkaitis, Milda Lukoseviciute, LITDEA, LT; Valters Kinna, Zaļā brīvība, LV
- What are benefits for the company from the use of Fair Trade products? – a joint discussion about Fair Trade and Fair Trade Friendly recognition.

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