To what
extent are local and global communities connected? How to ensure the equality
of local and global community?
Green Liberty invited development cooperation policy makers from Jelgava municipality to the local round table „Equality of Local and Global Community” on November 17, 2015.
event was opened by a representative of Green Liberty, Lauma Ziemeļniece, who
introduced the Sustainable Development Goals. It was followed by the screening
of the movie "Ar domu par labāku pasauli" (With a Thought about Better
World), then development cooperation story "Me&You"
was presented by Madara Mazjāne-Kokina from the organisation ideA.
The round table
was opened by an introduction which was presented by six representatives of
stakeholder groups who are responsible
for development and development cooperation issues in the local municipality of Jelgava:
- Ginta Avotiņa - Head of Education department in the municipality of Jelgava,
- Kristīne Kode - Head of youth policy in the municipality of Jelgava,
- Modris Jansons - deputy of the municipality of Jelgava,
- Uldis Dūmiņš - chairman of the non-governmental organisation "Zemgale NGO Centre",
- Līva Kaunese - journalist in the municipality of Jelgava,
- Arnita Žukauska - representative of Youth Council in the municipality of Jelgava.
The discussion tackled the issues such as involvement
in the development of local municipality, decision making process,
collaboration, supported initiatives and cooperation on finding solutions in
both the local and global context.

The participants evaluated this event in connection to personal context such as reflections and new conclusions on human safety on
various levels, development cooperation and our opportunities to
contribute to development of global society and help others. They admitted that from
national context Latvia is a small country that can, actually helps and in
the future would participate in aiding despite our local issues. The participants were enthusiastic to look into the realities of countries of Global South.
Participants expressed readiness to watch other movies
and participate in discussions on the development cooperation and paradigm changes,
where everyone learns from each other. Networking, cooperation and co-creation in
this roundtable was recognized as an important initiative for professional
activity and development of local community that can provide new non-financial
solutions. It was recognized that the current need is the
creation of new opportunities for youth, such as a strategically development of
voluntary work. Globally, the desirable need is the development of cooperation
with Ukraine.
In the participants’ opinion this was a significant
event for the community of the municipality of Jelgava. It broadened and
changed their perspective on self and the world, developed empathy towards
other nations and understanding of developing countries’ peoples’ lives. The event brought out the importance of local
needs and global issues, involved youth as well as the representatives of a local
municipality and entrepreneurs in discussions.
Overall, this event was recognized as a success as it
was well organised and met the participants’ expectations. The most meaningful
approaches were round table discussion and screening of the movie that
represented the period before Latvia joined the European Union. It showed the period
when Latvians received help until the period when Latvia helped other
countries. The event opened next issues of the same context that could be
introduced for upcoming participants of local round tables on local and global
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